Site Remediation

Site Remediation

Revitalizing the environment,
one site at a time!

We provide safe site remediation solutions for commercial and industrial facilities, hospitals, malls, hotels, office buildings and multi-unit residential complexes. In addition to building abatement and demolition we can also compliment your project with total site cleanup. We provide a total array of remediation/site-remediaiton services from surface cleanups to sub terranian/underground/above and below contamination cleanups.

Ideal for:

Contaminated Soil Removal
Hydrocarbons, Chemicals, Lead & Asbestos

Under & Above Ground Tank Removal
UST’s, Vaults, Hydrolic Lifts, Etc.

Work Area Isolation, HEPA Vacuuming, Power Washing, Chemical Lab Packing. (Paint, Chemical, Pesticide & Hydrocarbon Chemical Spills Cleanup)

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What does it involve?
The process of site remediation typically involves several steps:

Site assessment: Evaluate the site to determine the extent and type of contamination present and identify potential environmental risks.

Remediation plan development: Develop a plan to address the contamination based on the site assessment findings.

Permitting and approvals: Obtain necessary permits and approvals from regulatory agencies before starting the
remediation work.

Site preparation: Prepare the site for remediation work, which may involve installing barriers or securing the site.

Remediation work: Perform the remediation work according to the plan developed in step 2, which may involve excavating contaminated soil or treating groundwater.

Site restoration: Restore the site to its pre-contamination condition, which may involve backfilling or replanting vegetation.

Post-remediation monitoring: Monitor the site after remediation to ensure that the contamination has been properly addressed and the site is safe for its intended use.

How does it work?
Site remediation involves the cleanup of contaminated sites to protect the environment and human health. This process includes assessing the level of contamination, developing a remediation plan, obtaining necessary approvals, preparing the site, and performing the remediation work. Site remediation is a complex and often lengthy process that requires careful planning, expertise, and collaboration between environmental professionals and regulatory agencies.
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